What Really Is This Early Retirement About?

It seems like the latest catch phrase …”retire early”.
Images of sitting by the pool, smoking cigars while attractive girls bring cocktails.
Or who knows what depending on the societal conditioning that we are constantly bombarded with daily.
Youtube is filled with people showing off fancy cars, big houses and lots of bling a lot of which is not even really owned but leased for the photo shoot or video.

In actual fact most people would be bored out of their minds with what appears to be the early retirement lifestyle as most people think it to be.

I read blogs and hear people say “I want to retire young so that I can spend time with friends and family”.
The reality will be that all your friends will most likely be working. Having a family will make it difficult to move and get new friends. And unless your partner/spouse is in the same mind frame it won’t be easy.

So what is this early retirement business really about?

Well it’s not the same for everyone.

For me early retirement is about be able to not “have to” work.
To not worry about the bank repossessing my house or car if I don’t do work or take a project or contract this week or even month

I don’t want to sit around doing nothing all day. That would be boring and not very good for my health either.
I want to do stuff. I like to be busy with projects profitable or not.