Escape The Rat Race

The rat race:

6:00am Wake up, toilet, shave or makeup breakfast

6:45am Go to train station

7:00am Catch train to work

8:00-8:30am Arrive at work

4:30-5:00pm Finish work

5:00-530pm Catch train

6:00-6:30pm Get off train

7:00-7:30 Arrive home

Repeat until 60 or 65 years old.

Does this sound like a whole lot of fun to you?
Well it doesn’t to me but this is the life that the average full time employed person does.
Some people do much more, some industries expect much more. If you just started at a big law or accounting firm you most likely be expected to do more. And there will be many others eager to do more to stand out for a promotion, to then do more of the same…

Some people like their job, some even love it. Many hate it.
The vast majority must turn up to work every day to support their lifestyle, to pay the bills, to keep the house, to buy food, clothes, phones and ipads for the kids, to keep the wife or girlfriend, to take the family on the next holiday.
They are like ants that just follow each other to work, and must work. Also known as corporate drones.

Most dream of winning the lottery. It amazes me how much time people will spend talking about winning lottery, how they’ll spend the money, where they’d go. It’s like the only plan for early retirement is buying the weekly lottery ticket.

And then there is a small percentage who dream, think and act differently.
Many of them also like or love their job, but they want to also do other things, work more efficiently, do things their way and not be slave to a soulless corporate and consumerist system.
They plan ahead and look forward to a not too far away time where they will have enough income from other less time intensive sources so that they are not boxed into the daily drone routine above.
Their dream is to escape the rat race. Be Financially Independent and Retire Early.

Have started your FIRE yet?