Escape The Rat Race


The rat race: 6:00am Wake up, toilet, shave or makeup breakfast 6:45am Go to train station 7:00am Catch train to work 8:00-8:30am Arrive at work 4:30-5:00pm Finish work 5:00-530pm Catch train 6:00-6:30pm Get off train 7:00-7:30 Arrive home Repeat until 60 or 65 years old. Does this sound like a whole lot of fun to … Read more

What Really Is This Early Retirement About?

Early Retirement

It seems like the latest catch phrase …”retire early”.Images of sitting by the pool, smoking cigars while attractive girls bring cocktails.Or who knows what depending on the societal conditioning that we are constantly bombarded with daily.Youtube is filled with people showing off fancy cars, big houses and lots of bling a lot of which is … Read more