Building A $500 A Month 100k Stock Portfolio

Building A Stock Portfolio

Here is my 12 month plan to build a stock portfolio that earns $500 per month in dividends.I estimated the value of stocks required to achieve a yearly dividend of $6,000 will be around $100,000. I won’t be using a lump sum of 100k, instead I will be slowly building up the portfolio and documenting … Read more

My Top 5 Streams Of Income

5 Streams Of Income

Earning an income is the first step to achieving financial freedom, so having a side hussle or a few can accelerate the process and reduce the time needed to achieve the goal of earning enough passive income to retire and be happy. Or just pursue your hobbies and passions without being to worried about how … Read more

Yes, Money Will Make You Happy!

How much for FIRE?

Yes I know what you’re thinking. Most people think “No that’s not true!”, “You don’t need money to be happy”.And yet the vast majority of people are constantly worried about money issues.Financial issues is the biggest reason for divorce and couples splitting up. It’s also the biggest source or arguments between couples and family. So … Read more

F.I.R.E. Teen, Starting Early

Retirement at 40

I started my FIRE journey a lot younger than others.As a teenager just getting into the official work force I was already thinking ahead of retiring by forty years old.Why forty? Well that seemed to be the age that I kept hearing from others being mentioned often as a grand goal and an achievement of … Read more

FIRE: It’s All About The Money

Money Money Money

During my journey to retirement, looking around and talking to people I’ve often come across people who say things like “it’s not about the money” or “I don’t talk figures” and “I only talk percentages” and “It’s about achieving your goal”. Yes they are all correct, but at it’s core basis FIRE is about the … Read more

Escape The Rat Race


The rat race: 6:00am Wake up, toilet, shave or makeup breakfast 6:45am Go to train station 7:00am Catch train to work 8:00-8:30am Arrive at work 4:30-5:00pm Finish work 5:00-530pm Catch train 6:00-6:30pm Get off train 7:00-7:30 Arrive home Repeat until 60 or 65 years old. Does this sound like a whole lot of fun to … Read more

What Really Is This Early Retirement About?

Early Retirement

It seems like the latest catch phrase …”retire early”.Images of sitting by the pool, smoking cigars while attractive girls bring cocktails.Or who knows what depending on the societal conditioning that we are constantly bombarded with daily.Youtube is filled with people showing off fancy cars, big houses and lots of bling a lot of which is … Read more